Toy Organization: Tips on Making Room for New Toys
Christina's Corner // Preparing the Playroom for Santa!

Christina's Corner // Preparing the Playroom for Santa!


Merry Christmas Eve!

I can hardly believe that Christmas is here already! But before I take off for the holiday and spend some time with my family, I wanted to leave you with one last organization tip before Christmas! Today, I wanted to talk about toys! 

Let’s Get the Playroom Ready for Santa!

Santa is coming tonight and while it may be a tad bit late to implement these goals before St. Nick shows up, I think these tips will definitely help you get organized before New Years! So, grab your mini organizers and head to the playroom! 

Kid’s Can Organize Too! 

That’s right, this is a family project! Bringing your kids into the process will give them a sense of ownership of the project and they won’t have as much of a struggle remembering the system because they helped create it! So, like many of my organizing strategies, this one has steps to follow! These are my suggestions:

  1. Clean out the toy area.
  2. Sort toys into like groups.
  3. Find and implement appropriate storage for the toys.
  4. Create and maintain a permanent storage system.

I know that that can seem a bit complicated, so let’s break it down! 

Cleaning Out the Toys.

Clearing out the toy area is the most important place to have your child be involved! Toys have a tendency to stick around forever. So, go through all of the toys in the space with your child and ask them to consider if it something that they play with on a regular basis and if it’s something that they are willing to part with. Kids deserve a bit more credit because I’ve learned that if you explain to them that these toys can go to other homes with kids who really need toys, they will listen and want to help! 

If you find the topic a difficult one to approach with your kids, start by asking a few questions like:

  • Have you played with this toy recently?
  • Do you have any toys that you just don’t like as much anymore?

By giving them some control, it will help them part with the toys easier. It’s also a great opportunity to help them recall what you have taught them about sharing. It’s less about getting rid of the toys and more about passing them on to kids who don’t have as much. Demanding them to part with toys will only make the process harder, so I encourage you to encourage them to share and declutter their space! 

Create Categories!

Sorting the toys into groups is easy. Place toys into categories that make sense to your kids. If your son has a TON of Legos, it may help to organize them by kits and colors. You can place Bratz in one bin and Barbies in another. You know your kids best and whatever you think will help them access their favorite toys easier, is the best system for them! 

Boxes, Bin, and Labels Oh My! 

Speaking of storage, bins and baskets are my favorite tools to use in a playroom

or toy-organizing situation. You can label them with pictures if your kids can’t read yet, or you can use simple sight words to help you and your mini organizers know where to put the cars, trains, dress-up clothes, and blocks.

Permanent Storage Solutions from Modular Closets! 

This may be the most important part: Creating a permanent storage solution. All of this means nothing if you don’t have a functioning system. This can look different for everyone, but I really believe that Modular Closets has the best options for any space. We have open and closed storage solutions as well as adjustable shelves and customizable units. The options are truly unlimited. Working with our design team, you can have the perfect storage for your kids and whatever kinds of toys that they need to store. 

It may take some time and effort, but with the help of a Modular Closet System, you kids can learn how to declutter and organize their spaces and make room for all of the new treats that Santa will bring them! 

Have a Wonderful Holiday! 

Have a Merry Christmas everyone and enjoy the holiday season! Be on the lookout for a new mini blog series that I will be releasing next month on preparing for 2021! For more tips and tricks, visit my blog Christina’s Corner and follow Modular Closets on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. If you missed last week’s blog on valet rods, you can find that here

Happy Organizing! 

-Christina Giaquinto

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