4 Ways An Organized Closet System Can Improve Your Life
4 Ways An Organized Closet System Can Improve Your Life

4 Ways An Organized Closet System Can Improve Your Life


1) An Organized Closet System can make you happier

A number studies have found a direct correlation between the level of neatness in the home, and the mood of the people living inside.

In 2001, a team of researchers from UCLA proposed a novel theory:

People living in neat homes were happier than people living in cluttered homes.

The researchers were so confident in their theory that they set out to clinically prove it.

 They recruited 30 volunteers to take part in their study.

The subjects agreed to have video cameras placed in their homes, so their words could be recorded.

The subjects were instructed to take a tour of their homes and were asked to describe for the camera if their homes were neat or cluttered. Afterwards, the researchers removed the video cameras and watched the footage.Based on their descriptions, and the volunteers were split into two groups:

Group A consisted of the people from neat homes; Group B consisted of the people from cluttered homes.

The subjects from Group A were directed to take samples of their saliva for lab analysis.

 Their samples were combined into the first batch to be tested.

Afterward, the subjects from Group B were directed to take samples of their saliva, as well.

Their samples were combined into the second batch to be tested.

The lab technicians tested the samples — from both batches —for their Cortisol levels.

 Cortisol is widely known as the “Stress Hormone”, because the Cortisol levels in a person's body, is a good indicator of their overall mental health.

A lower Cortisol level is associated with increased calmness and relaxation, while a higher Cortisol level is associated with increased tension and anxiety.

The test results proved conclusively, that their theory was correct.

The women who came from cluttered homes had significantly lower levels of Cortisol than the women from cluttered homes.

Subsequent studies have shown that the mood-boosting impact of a neat home, is not limited to women; it can be found in men, as well.

Further research into this phenomenon has reached an astounding conclusion: The positive emotional effect of a neat home can be recognized in people of all ages—including infants!

A closet is not just a cost-effective and efficient solution for your clutter problems; it will make your home, a happier place to live!!         

Barn Door Closet                      

2)  An Organized Closet System can save you money

 A study has found that 1 in 10 Americans have so little storage space, that they need to rent an additional storage unit, to hold all their belongings .1)

The cost of renting a self-storage unit can be astronomical.

 The cost of renting a 10 x 10 unit (the most popular dimension), is $96 a month –or $1,152 a year. 2)

If the unit is climate-controlled, the cost of renting it would skyrocket to $227 a month –or $!!2,733 a year!  (3

Using a closet for all your storage needs maximizes the limited amount of open space in your home.This can eliminate the necessity of renting an additional location, and save you more than $1,000 a year!!

3) An organized Closet System can save your car

Anybody that goes online to search for a car insurance quote cannot help but notice something that seems somewhat strange, at first glance:

Before giving you a quote, the insurance company will give you a questionnaire to fill out.

They will ask you to describe your age, driving history, and the specifics of your car.

After you answer these questions, the insurance company will ask you if you park your car in the garage, or on the street.

Why does the insurance company care where you park your car?

The reason is that before determining the cost of your premiums, the insurance company has to assess the likelihood of your car being damaged or stolen.

The insurance company uses your age, driving habits, and the specifics of your car, to calculate the probability of your car being involved in an accident, or being stolen.

They assume that if you are an older and more responsible driver, your car is less likely to be involved in an accident.

They also assume that if your car is equipped with enhanced safety features, it is less likely to be stolen.

The same considerations apply to the place you usually park your car.

If you park your car on the street it’s liable to be involved in all kinds of mishaps.

It can have its windshield cracked by a baseball, its roof crushed by a fallen tree, or its bumper smashed in a hit-and-run accident.

However, if your car is parked in the garage, it’s protected from these possibilities.

If your car is parked on the street it‘s very easy to steal ─all a would-be thief has to do is break into your car, and drive off with it.

However, if your car is parked in the garage, it’s much harder to steal, because a would-be thief would have to do a whole bunch of things before he can steal your car.

Here’s what he would have to do:

1) Break into your house

2) Break into your car 

3)  Open your garage door

4) Drive your car out of your garage

5) Get out of the car and return to your garage

6) Close your garage door and return to your car

Only then, can he try to make off with your car, without getting caught.

The time and effort it takes to steal a car from a garage will discourage most thieves, from even trying.

Considering this, it would seem obvious, that anybody who has the option of parking in his car in the garage would do so.

Statistics show otherwise.

A survey has found that 1 in 4 Americans has so much clutter in their garage, that they don’t have enough room to park their cars.As a result, they are forced to park their cars in the street, where it is much  more liable to being damaged, or stolen .1)

Storing your belongings in a closet can clear up enough space in your garage to park your car, and help keep your car safe!

Children's Closet Organization


4) An Organized Closet System can save your job

 Anybody that has looked for things they have misplaced, knows how frustrating and time consuming, it can be.

What most people don’t know is that it can actually cost you your job!

A poll of working Americans (in October of 2015), explains why:

The respondents were asked to describe—from their own experiences — how losing important things had impacted their lives.

In particular, they were asked about the consequences of the time spent looking for the things they had lost.

60% reported being late to work or school, as a result.

49% said that time spent searching didn’t just make them late -— it caused them to completely miss meetings or appointments.

Incredibly, a whopping 22 % admitted that the time spent searching had even caused them to miss flights!  1)

People, who come late to work, don’t show up to appointments, or miss important events are at great risk of losing their jobs.

The reason is that employers have very little tolerance for employees that are late to work.

In fact, more than 4 in 10 employers admitted to firing an employee the very first time they were late to work!! 2)

A well - designed closet provides enough hanging space for your entire wardrobe.You can hang your coats, suits, and shirts, in one place.That will save you from wasting time looking for your clothing -and can even save your job!!

Written By: Yaakov Moskowitz



  1) “Lost and Found: the Average American” Pixie.com May 2, 2017.

  2) “4 in 10 Employees” CareerBuilder.com January 26, 2017.

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