How to Organize a Small Closet with Lots of Clothes
How to Organize a Small Closet with Lots of Clothes

How to Organize a Small Closet with Lots of Clothes


If you're reading this, then I don’t need to tell you the struggles of  having a too-small closet. No matter how selective you are, or how many clothes you get rid of, it’s still like a Taylor Swift concert; no venue is big enough!

Here are some tested strategies to help you organize your small closet and make room for everything you love!

Maximizing the space in your small closet


 Let's get started!


  • Declutter First

Before you can start organizing, it's essential to declutter.

Try on clothes: “Fashion show, fashion show, fashion show at lunch!” This will give you an idea of what actually fits and what doesn't.

Sort into categories: 'Keep', 'Donate', 'Sell', and 'Recycle'.

Let go of sentiment: I know it’s a wrench, but if you haven't worn it in a year, it might be time to part ways.


  •   Use Multi-functional Hangers

There are some nifty hangers available that can hold multiple garments at once. For instance:

Tiered hangers: They allow you to hang pants or skirts vertically. Very cool. Check this out on amazon


Cascading hooks: They attach to your hangers, allowing them to hang vertically and save space! Link: Cascading Hook


  •  Maximize Vertical Space

Remember, a closet has more than just horizontal space. (Mind-blowing, I know!)

Add shelves: Use the top of your closet system for storing out-of-season clothes or less frequently used items. 

Use hanging organizers: They're great for shoes, accessories, and even clothes.


  • Utilize Door Space 

Give the back of your closet door the attention it deserves!

Over-the-door shoe organizers: Not just for shoes. They're perfect for scarves, belts, and most accessories. I use mine for all three!

Hooks: Ideal for hanging bags, hats, or even outfit planning for the next day. Put on as many as you can fit! Command hooks are great, as you can remove them without leaving a mark. 


  •  Invest in Storage Bins or Drawers

Storage bins or drawers can be life-savers for items that don't necessarily need to be hung.

Clear bins: Great for seeing what's inside, for you visual people.

Fabric bins: These are aesthetically pleasing, and are perfect for storing underwear, socks, workout clothes, etc.


  • Rotate Seasonally

If you're really pressed for space, consider rotating your wardrobe. Think of it as spring cleaning. Or spring-fall-winter-summer cleaning!

Store off-season clothes: Vacuum-sealed bags or bins are great storage options for out of use items.

Refresh and rotate: As the season changes, rotate your clothes so that what you need is always at hand.


  • Categorize and Color-Code

This makes it easier to find what you're looking for.Take the “I’m sick of searching for the clothes I want” out of “OMG, I’m sick of searching for the clothes I want”

By type: Group shirts, pants, dresses, etc., together.

By color: Organizing by color not only looks pleasing but can make outfit selection quicker. 


  • Invest in Quality, Not Quantity

While it's tempting to have tons of outfits, having versatile, high-quality pieces can make dressing easier and save valuable closet space. Plus fewer clothes = less stress. My justification is that the cost-per-wear ratio makes it worth it. (If this one feels blasphemous, see #10)


  • Regular Maintenance

Once every few months, revisit your closet.

Check for items that no longer fit or are out of style. (It might be time for the shoulder pads and tracksuit to go)

Reorganize based on changes in your clothing habits or collection.


  • Consider Outside-the-Closet Solutions

If all else fails and you've done everything you can to optimize your space, don't despair! consider:

Under-the-bed storage: Roll-out drawers or bins can be a game-changer.

Freestanding wardrobes: If you have the room elsewhere, they can act as an extension of your closet. You can even incorporate some of the hacks mentioned earlier, like tiered hangers.


  • Closet Makeover: If all all else fails, it may be time to take a hard look at your closet and redo it from the bottom up. 

Closet Modules: Consider installing semi-custom closet modules. It's a bit of a project, but you can use this closet design tool to really work out exactly what you need and maximize your space. Bonus - You'll have a glamorous new look!

In conclusion, organizing a small closet with all of your lovely clothes is undoubtedly a challenge, but with some creativity, decluttering, and strategic planning, you can make the most out of your limited space. Remember, it's not always about having more; it's about making what you have work. Armed with what you’ve learned you can sally forth and vanquish the puny storage space giving you grief. Good luck!

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