Video Transcript
I have a good tip for today. I like this one. One of my faves. I've taught this before, but we're gonna go through it again because it's that important. The number one phrase to look out for, and when you hear yourself say this, just remember this video, remember my face, and remember this big b x.
When you say the phrase, I am going to put this here for now, just nope. You gotta get rid of it. Really. Honestly. Let's think about this together.
When you say that over and over and over and over again, which I know people do over and over again 25 times a day in this room, in this room, for this drawer, in your car, in your bedroom, in the kitchen, the kids' stuff, the counters, the bathroom, everything. We always see that phrase. Oh, I'm gonna do this later or I'm gonna put this here for now. More specifically, it's not even I'm gonna do it later. We always say I'm gonna put it here for now.
When you do that, it's just clutter. That's how clutter accumulates. And it takes literally, sometimes, 35 seconds to put that item away. I would say, tops, 2 minutes. If you have to go to the other room and put it away, maybe 2 minutes.
Time yourself. Watch how fast you can do it. It's crazy. We always overcomplicate things. It takes between 35 seconds and 2 minutes to go put something away.
But when you do that, then there's no more clutter because you're doing it now. This is honestly just one of the most life changing things that you can do, and it's so simple, but I promise you. Promise you. I promise you, this is a big deal. And I'll be honest, there are times where I don't wanna do it.
I really don't because I just I want that 35 extra seconds to just leave or go do whatever. But I always feel so much better and so much more at peace knowing that I just took care of it right then and there. It's always worth it because, again, it's either 25 times a day that we're saying, I'll put this here for now, or it's 25 times a day that we have to take that 35 seconds to 2 minutes to go actually put it away. It does take time. Not disagreeing with that.
But every time that I'm like, oh, I just don't know if I can do this right now, I just I always put it away, and I promise you it changes everything. It really does. And then if there are a few things that you leave out to do later, then it's only 2 things instead of 25 thing. That is, by far, one of the number one tips that I could ever give. I'm gonna put this here for now.
Nope. Happy organizing, everybody. Follow Christina's corner for more tips and tricks of how to get organized.