4 Tips for Spring Cleaning During the Coronavirus Pandemic
4 Tips for Spring Cleaning During the Coronavirus Pandemic

4 Tips for Spring Cleaning During the Coronavirus Pandemic



Now that the world has been hit by the coronavirus pandemic, we’re all spending more time at home this Spring than we probably would have anticipated. One productive thing you can do during this time that can bring many long-term benefits is to finally clean and organize your home.

After all, it’s now a lot harder to say “I don’t have time for Spring cleaning,” right?

During Winter, especially if you live in a colder climate, you probably kept the doors and windows shut most of the time, which allowed dust and dirt to collect. You also may have spent time buying and collecting items for your home that never found a place to get put away – clutter is unfortunately common in homes across the country.

If you’re ready to make your home environment fresh for Spring during this difficult pandemic time, here are four useful home organization tips our team here at Modular Closets has put together to help you jumpstart the cleaning process:


1. Go Digital in Your Home Office

Chances are you’ve been spending more time than usual in your home office, and may continue to do so for at least the next several weeks.

If you’ve let piles of paper clutter up your workspace, it can make you less productive and add to the sense of stress and anxiety you may already be feeling during these hard times. You need breathing space – in your surroundings and your work life.

Now is a great time to scan or otherwise digitize your important documents.

One good strategy is to keep only important papers from the past 2-5 years, and take smartphone photos of anything else that may contain information worth preserving.

Now is also a good time to add extra shelves, cubbies, and/or drawer inserts to help you create a specified storage location for everything you want to keep in your office.


2. Minimize Clutter in Entryways 

Are you taking special precautions when you go outside?

Maybe you’re wearing a mask or covering your hair. And hopefully you’re maintaining plenty of distance from others during your trips to the grocery store and/or other “essential services” providers. Now – make sure you don’t unwittingly track residue from the outside into your home.

One good strategy is to make sure your entryways stay clear and clutter-free – this way it will be easy to remove any coats, hats, shoes, etc. and keep away from everything else in the house.

You may want to give each member of your family a designated hook, shoe cubby, and/or bin so that it’s easy to collect outerwear right at the door.


3. Freshen Up Your Kitchen Storage Modular Closets

Have you been stocking up on pasta and canned goods?

Hopefully you haven’t become a crazy hoarder during these crazy times, but you may have reasonably started stocking up on food supplies in order to minimize trips to the grocery store while simultaneously preparing to cook at home more often and more easily.

If so, you may need a fresh approach to your kitchen storage.

For example, most canned goods do best in cool, dark, dry places – and you want to keep them easily visible and accessible. For this reason, you might appreciate more shelving options for your kitchen, or baskets you can use to separate fresh fruits and veggies from canned items.


4. Make Sure Your Garage is Safe

A garage is often a place where clutter goes to die…all those things you’re not ready to get rid of, but don’t have a place for, so you leave it “temporarily” in the garage saying, “yeah, yeah I’ll get to it someday,” and then years go by.

Well, “someday” can finally be today.

Now is a great time to finally go through and dispose of all that stuff in the garage that – deep down you know – you don’t really need.

And if you find you still have many true valuables you do want to keep in the garage, now may be a great time to introduce shelves, cabinets, baskets, and maybe even some locked drawers, especially for that equipment that should be kept away from curious young children and pets.

If you’d like some expert design help to boost your Spring Cleaning, our team here at Modular Closets will be happy to offer you a FREE closet design. Even though we’re practicing social distancing, we want to keep on being socially connected.

So, connect with us online and fill out our form!


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