Organize Your 2021! // Organize the Bedroom!
Organize Your 2021! // Organize the Bedroom!

Organize Your 2021! // Organize the Bedroom!


Hello and welcome to the second week of my January Organization blog series! My goal here is to break down different areas of your home that you can organize to kick off 2021 with a clean space and clean mind. I’ll also be discussing some of the products that Modular Closets offer that will keep your space clutter-free year round. This week, we are going to focus on the bedroom! I have compiled 8 tips to assist you in the process of setting up your room for success this year. 

Tip #1 // Decide How the Bedroom Functions For You! 

Your bedroom can have many functions; it’s not just a place to sleep. Bedrooms can be a safe place, a personal library, an office, a quiet zone, or even a dance studio.

Find the functionality of your bedroom. This is different for everyone and no two bedrooms need to function the same way. Once you recognize how you utilize the space, you will be able to assess what you need in the space to keep your lifestyle organized and keep the space peaceful.

FUN TIP: If you are struggling to figure out the “vibe” of your room, you can try this exercise:  Pick words to describe the room. For example: three adjectives you may pick for your bedroom are relaxing, simple, calming. Whereas someone else may pick three different words like colorful, inspiring, and filled with an amazing library.  

Tip #2 // Pick an Area to Start With.

It will be overwhelming to tackle the entire bedroom at once (I do NOT recommend this), so refer back to your master list we discussed in last week's blog post, and go to the bedroom section. 

Now pick which area  you want to go through first. For example if you listed:


  •  His closet
  •  Her closet 
  •  Night stand 
  •  Armour 
  •  Dresser 
  •  Vanity 

Pick a section to organize first and don’t try and focus on multiple sections at once. There are two ways that you can approach this:

  1. Pick the easiest space first so you feel accomplished and ready to tackle what is next.
  2. Focus on the space that frustrates you the most -This will give you a feeling of peace knowing that the hardest part is out of the way. Once you make a plan, get to work! 

Tip #3 // Empty Your Space!

You have heard this from me before, but it is single handedly the MOST important step to organizing any space. Empty out your entire closet. Yes, your entire closet, or dresser, or whatever space you decide to tackle first. 

It must be a blank canvas so that you can clean it well and so that you can see what kind of storage that you really have to work with. 

Tip #4 // Categorize Everything!

Everything needs to have a space. You also need to weed out some of the items in your life that you don’t use, need, or want. Keep the things that you know for a fact will be used or treasured and toss or donate what’s left behind. 

Make sure that your categories make sense for you. Some of you will need to categorize the difference between lounge leggings and workout leggings. Others will have to categorize nightstand chap stick vs bathroom chap stick. (If you know, you know) But, once everything is grouped together and in a pile that makes sense to you, you can start to build a plan and, most importantly, a system. 

Tip #5 // Create a System!

You need to create a system to keep yourself organized: socks go in the top left drawer of the dresser...tall boots will be placed on the top shelf of the closet...etc. You’re essentially taking those categories that you just made and finding a spot to store the items of each category. So, make a list of each category and figure out what kind of storage you will need. 

If you are installing a new Modular Closets system (and if you aren’t, what are you waiting for?!) knowing your categories will help you design your tall closet. For example, if you have a large amount of: 

These are the tools that will keep your closet organized. Customizing your closet to meet your needs is one of the best features that Modular Closets has to offer. 

Bonus Tip: 

Add Accessories to your closet that will elevate your organization! Here are some of my favorites:

Tip # 6 // Create a Plan For Your Habits

Think about how you use your bedroom on a daily basis and create organized habits around that. For example if you read every night before bed, organize a designated spot for your books that is easy to access from your preferred reading spot. Something as simple as having a spot in your nightstand for your book light can make a world of a difference in your day-to-day mood and stress levels. 

It is all about having a plan, system, and place for your items. The bedroom is not just a room with a bed and it's time to start treating it as such. 

Tip #7 // Create Your Masterpiece!

Now it is time to reap the benefits of everything you just did and create a beautiful, brand-new, space from the drawers, to the newly designed closet, to your night stand. You are now putting everything back with purpose and your bedroom will now be a space filled with new energy and meaning.

Side Note: If you really want to revamp your bedroom, consider adding a new fresh coat of paint or adding a new comforter to reflect your new space! 

Your bedroom is your sanctuary, and now it finally reflects that. Pat yourself on the back, kick back on your bed, and relax knowing you accomplished your second organizing goal of 2021! I am proud of you!

Tip # 8 // Keep Your Room Organized All Year!

Stay tuned for our last blog post of the month on how to maintain your organized bedroom! You will be able to find it at Christina’s Corner! Also, don’t forget to follow Modular Closets on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest!  Subscribe to Modular Closets on YouTube and visit to design your closet! 

Next week, we will be addressing the Kitchen! I can’t wait to share with you then! 

Happy Organizing

-Christina Giaquinto

Previous Organize Your 2021! // New Mini Blog Series from Christina! Organize Your 2021! // New Mini Blog Series from Christina!
Next Organize Your 2021! // Declutter the Kitchen! Organize Your 2021! // Declutter the Kitchen!
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