Video Transcript
Hi, everybody. Today, we are going to talk about what ROYGBIV is. I say it all the time. Any organizer that sees this, you get it. We we say it all of the time because it's such a a cool little trick and component of how we organize the space, but some people don't know what it is.
And I think it's a really cool little fun saying to learn. It is an acronym, but ROYGBIV stands for the colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. ROYGBIV. And, basically, what you do is you take certain sections.
Again, we're focused on the closet today, but I've done this with my pens or little post its that I have, whatever you can color coordinate. What it does is, of course, it's aesthetically pleasing. Right? It just looks nice to the eye, which which is a good component of it, but it also just helps you find the pieces of clothing that you need. If I'm I'm looking at my closet right now, if I'm going to get a blue blouse, I just go to the blue section.
It is efficient. It does save you time, but it's also very nice on the eye and aesthetically pleasing which is always my goal to combine the 2. Be efficient, have an organizing system, but we also want it to look nice, doesn't hurt. Right? I just simply wanted to show you let me turn the camera a little bit.
Alright. White. Then I'll put pink if I have kind of like this in between category. Pink, red, orange, I do not have a yellow blazer but yellow would go next, Green, blue, this is getting heavy on my hand. Ups, ups, messed up a little bit.
So then I would have gray and then black. I gotta put this back up. It's very heavy but that's just an example. I love blazers. Blazers are kind of my thing.
That's just an example though of seeing it. You could see it here. It's a very nice little angle that you could see. Just makes it super easy and it looks like a rainbow which is great. But when there's lots of something, right?
So in this instance, I only have one of each color, but when you have many blue shirts or many red shirts or many black shirts, whatever it is, it does make it so easy when you're looking through your closet to go grab what you need. That is what Rory G Biv is. And now if somebody says that you can know exactly what it means. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Happy organizing everybody.
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