Video Transcript
What if I told you that you could actually go shopping within your own home? When you are at the organizing part of the process with your closet. Right? It is designed. It is installed.
You decluttered it. Now you're organizing it. Now you're actually almost past that, and you're kind of in the adding the special little touches phase. I love to add we're talking about the master closet, by the way. I love to add photos and knickknacks, and I always added a, inspirational quote to every client's home that I felt resonated with them.
That was always something I did. But one of my little tricks that I would do is I would shop within their own home, and I'm gonna pass this along to you today. So we can walk around. What I used to do is walk around their home and see if there was knickknacks that just might have been cluttered on a certain shelf or if there was a photo that they loved. Like, I would literally go shopping within their own home and use that stuff to help add the special touches to their closet.
Of course, if you need to go out and get a couple little design items, you can, but you don't have to. You don't have to. This is all free, and it's a little little extra special trick that I have about how to make your closet really, really special. Quite literally, grab a bag and go shopping within your own home and find all those little special touches that you want to see every single morning when you walk in your closet and every single night when you leave your closet. Happy organizing everybody.
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