4 Must-Haves for Your Very Own Perfect Custom Closet
4 Must-Haves for Your Very Own Perfect Custom Closet

4 Must-Haves for Your Very Own Perfect Custom Closet


Are you wasting precious time everyday rummaging through your closet? If so, it may be time to consider investing in a custom closet solution that will improve your home organization and make your daily routine easier.

The right custom closet can add both organization and beauty to your home life. Instead of dealing with the chore of an overstuffed closet, a good closet system will store and display your wardrobe so that you will look forward to getting dressed every morning.

But how do you know what a good closet system would mean for you? 

Here at Modular Closets, we’ve helped countless clients figure out storage solutions that meet their individual needs based their unique personalities and lifestyles. Our modular approach to custom closet design means that we can offer luxurious custom closets at affordable prices – but the key to truly good design is making sure that the closet arrangement is a true fit with the individual who’s using it.

If you want to know how to create the perfect custom closet to meet your unique desires and needs, consider these 4 guidelines as your custom closet “must haves”: 

1. Maximize YOUR Space

Have you visited someone’s house and fell in love with their custom closet? For many homeowners, seeing how a beautiful custom closet transforms someone else’s home and life is the first spark inspiring them to seek out a custom closet of their own.

However, just because someone else’s closet featured wall-to-ceiling open shelves combined with three drawers doesn’t mean that the same set-up will work for you.

First, your wardrobe needs are unique, so you need to make sure you implement a system of shelves and drawers that will suffice for all the things you want to store.

Also, your closet space is unique. Its size, dimension, and location can all factor into which closet system will work best for you.

Modular Closets

  • 2. Multiple Hanging Rods

  • Sometimes when people think of closet systems, they focus on drawers and shelves. Especially if you’ve been using a bureau or chest of drawers for much of your clothing, it can be the go-to model you default to when thinking about organizing your wardrobe.

    For many homeowners, however, what can often be a real game changer is multiple rows of hanging rods. Especially if you’re someone who owns lots of shirts for work (and if you’re a professional, you probably do or should), you would probably benefit from making use of the vertical space in your existing closet by incorporating multiple hanging rods.

  • 3. Sufficient Depth

  • One consideration when you’re planning on adding shelves to a walk-in or reach-in closet is making sure there will be sufficient depth.

    For example, most shoes need shelves that are 12” deep at least. And if you want to show off some large handbags or other prized accessories, you may need shelves that are even deeper.

    Picture what you’d love to see on open display in your dream custom closet, and then take out the measuring tape and make sure that there will be sufficient room on the shelf. 

  • 4. Fit for Your Size

  • Are you taller or shorter than the average person? Maybe you share your closet with a partner or spouse who (probably) is of a different height? One of the benefits of a well-designed custom closet is that the items you use most frequently will be in easy reach for you.

    Do you need a drawer that’s within easy reach because you love to wear your favorite jewelry on a daily basis and need a system with dividers that will store and showcase your collection? 

    Or, maybe you’re a jean and t-shirts kind of person, so you want quickest access to open shelves where you can fold and store your favorites? 

    Your perfect custom closet will be the one that’s arranged with your needs and preferences taken into consideration.

    If you’re curious what an affordable custom closet that’s designed specifically for you would look like, our team here at Modular Closets will be happy to help.

    We’ll even design your new custom closet for FREE! Check out our website!

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