5 Easy Tips to Get Your Spare Room Closet Ready for Holiday Guests
5 Easy Tips to Get Your Spare Room Closet Ready for Holiday Guests

5 Easy Tips to Get Your Spare Room Closet Ready for Holiday Guests


It’s that time of year…when your spare room gets full use.  If you’ll be having company over for the holidays, you need to get your spare room closet ready for holiday guests.

Luckily, with just a few simple home organization strategies and tips, your spare room can be spruced up in no time.  Here at Modular Closets we love helping homeowners make the holiday season less stressful and more festive with easy-to-implement home organization solutions.

So, of you want some easy holiday magic for your guest room, here are 5 tips:

1. Sort and Organize Like with Like

The first step to organizing your spare room closet is to sort through what you have stored there. 

For many homeowners, the spare room closet becomes a catch-all space for belongings that get used rarely, if ever.  Now is the time to go through and see if there’s anything you can give or throw away. For everything you decide to keep, store similar items together. 

If you want to get and stay organized, you might want to try a custom closet solution.  Here at Modular Closets, we can help you develop a plan to add the perfect mix of extra shelves, drawers, and hanging rods to your existing closet so that you maximize the full space you have available. With the right storage solutions, organizing can be quick and easy!

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 2. Choose Your Favorite Folding Method

    Another tip to improve the look and functionality of your closet is to pick one folding method and stick with it. 

    Folding your towels in thirds creates a fluffy, fashionable look that rivals the presentation of sophisticated hotels.  However, what’s most important is that you pick a folding method you like and use it consistently so that your closet has a uniform appearance.

     3.  Use Labels

      If you’ll be providing items like towels and blankets for your guests to use, it’s a great idea to use labels so that your invitation is clear.

      Make sure to specify queen vs twin size sheets or bath vs. hand towels. This way your guests can easily reach for just what they need without having to unfold the entire closet contents.

      Modular Closets

      4. Sprinkle Some Holiday Scents

        One way to keep your closet fresh and simultaneously spread some holiday cheer is to incorporate festive holiday scents.

        In order to keep your closet from smelling musty, you can store an open box of baking soda in the closet, just as you would do in a refrigerator.  Then, you can complement it with a sachet of pine, cinnamon, or your favorite warm holiday scent so your closet will evoke delightful holiday feelings every time someone opens it.

        5. Treat Your Guests with Personalized Small Gifts

          Not all gifts belong under a tree!

          One simple but truly heartfelt way to let your guests know how much you care is to treat them with an unexpected, personalized surprise in the spare room closet.  Maybe you’ve bought them some new monogrammed towels as a gift.  Or maybe it’s as simple as leaving a favorite piece of wrapped candy for them to find. A small, thoughtful gesture can go a long way, especially during the holidays.

          Organizing your spare room closet will not only eliminate clutter from your already stressful life, it can be a great way to show your holiday guests how much you care and appreciate them. If you’re interested in a quality custom closet solution at an affordable price, check out our free closet design offer here at Modular Closets!

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