New Year’s Resolutions: 5 Tips to Brush Up on Your Closet Organization
New Year’s Resolutions: 5 Tips to Brush Up on Your Closet Organization

New Year’s Resolutions: 5 Tips to Brush Up on Your Closet Organization


What are your goals for 2019? If you’re browsing our site, we’ll go ahead and assume that closet organization is on your list of New Year’s resolutions. Here are some tips to whip your storage space into shape.


 1- Purge your closet.
You know what they say: New year, new you! Rather than existing in a state of organized chaos, tackle your storage areas head-on. Donate or simply get rid of all the clothes you no longer wear, and empty out the cupboards and cabinets you haven’t opened in who-knows-how-long.

When you make a point of keeping everything folded and in its rightful place, you’ll enjoy easier access to your belongings. This will save you not only time, but stress as well.

2-Categorize your items.
Leaving your belongings in a pile on your closet floor is no way to kick off the New Year. In turn, rather than shoving your items onto a single shelf, divide them into categories and store them accordingly. Cubby inserts, along with pre-designed closet organizer systems, will help set you up for success.

Belts, bags, shirts, jeans—from now on, separate each category, take your closet aesthetic to the next level, and enjoy efficiency unlike ever before

3- Keep everyday belongings within reach.
We’ve all been in this position at one point or another. When your closet organization falls to the wayside, it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for. You’ll have to resort to digging through piles and piles of stuff, and nobody wants that.

This is why it’s crucial to keep your essentials within easy reach. From the button-downs you wear to work each day, to towels and your favorite pairs of shoes, we urge you to create a storage system where you can easily access the clothes, linens, and other items you use frequently.

4- Only buy what you have space for.
If those post-holiday sales have caught your eye, you’re not alone. That said, it’s important to resist the urge to buy items you don’t have room for. Before you start making impulse purchases, consider your closet. Is there space for another dress or suit? Can you squeeze a few more hangers onto your closet rod, or is it already overcrowded?

Be sure to answer these questions before your next shopping spree. It may sound trite, but an organized closet really does promote a clear and healthy headspace.

5- Make maintenance a top priority.
If you organize your closet this January, be sure to keep it in your target state throughout the year. Maintenance is crucial to your new system, so continue to avoid clutter and keep your items categorized regardless of any new belongings you may accumulate.

Our closet organizers can help you maintain your new and improved system. And if for whatever reason you feel overwhelmed, take a step back, add a few bins and baskets to your arsenal, and continue tweaking your closet organization strategy.

 And with that you should be organized throughout the new year. Please visit our website for information on what Modular Closets can do for you.


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