Video Transcript
We're gonna segue into part 2 for this. I think it's great when people have an outfit that they want to aspire to fit into if they have a health goal that they're trying to hit. But we also want to love and appreciate who we are right now in the present moment. If it's if your whole wardrobe doesn't fit anymore, then we need to honor where you are now and celebrate that and love who we are right now. If there's an outfit that you're just dying to to try on and to wear one day and you're so excited and you have all these health and fitness goals, I say keep that one outfit, but we do not want to walk into our closet every single day and be surrounded and reminded by a season of time that we're just not in anymore.
And that's okay. And that's why I always say organizing your closet is so much more than organizing your closet. It always is. It's so much more in-depth than that. And this is one of the times where honor where you're at, love who you are now and keep a few pieces if you love them and it's your goal, but let's fill our closet with clothes that fit now.
I've gone through seasons of that and went through a really hard health time and I was battling Lyme disease for years, and it really affected my body, my weight, and and things like that. And I told myself, I was like, listen, this is the season of life that I'm in, and I I need to appreciate who I am now and that I'm doing everything I can every day to get better and healthier. And thankfully, I am now. But I decided that I had to honor where I was at now. It really was starting to affect me to walk into my closet and be constantly reminded of the health journey that I was going through.
Right? And so I decided to curate my closet to fit my body now. And it was a really, really transformative experience. Back full circle, we're gonna start from the beginning. If you are saying, I will wear this one day or I might wear this one day, just be aware.
This whole process is about awareness, and we wanna catch ourselves in what we're saying, how frequently we're saying it, the energy behind it. We don't want any judgment or guilt. You're doing this journey. If you're watching this video, then you are trying, and I commend you on that. You're doing the best you can, and that's incredible.
We don't wanna say it too much. It's okay to say it once or twice, but we do not wanna say it too much. And we wanna create a closet that inspires you, honors where you're at in the present moment, and inspires you, honors where you're at in the present moment, and encourages you to go forward. Happy organizing everybody. Follow Christina's Corner for more tips and tricks of how to get organized.