Video Transcript
Hi, everybody. Today, I am going to talk about what clutter is, the actual definition of what it is and then how I view it. And maybe this can help you understand what clutter is in your home. So the actual definition of clutter is to fill or cover with scattered or disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness, which I think is a great way of describing it, but I'm gonna go into a little bit simpler terms of how I view clutter. So to me, it's just all the stuff.
It's all the stuff in your home that you don't necessarily need. It's all the stuff that you bought and now you have excess of it. It's all the stuff that covers your counters. It's just too much stuff. That's in the simplest terms of how I can describe what clutter is.
And we obviously don't want that in our home at all and there's no judgment of how clutter gets into the home. We all have it. We all accumulate it. But as long as we start to understand really what clutter is and what it means in our life, then we have the awareness to make that shift and to change it so that our home is no longer filled with clutter. Happy organizing everybody.
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